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        (_(_)_)               Ascii              (_(_)_)
         (_(_)                                    (_(_)
          (_)           adapted by afactor         (_)
This page

Færie Dragon


River Alph

Entrance to Runic Icon Library

The Realms of the Great Web
The Pavilion of Icons
The Iconocaves

                       Færie Dragon
        _-- _                                 _ --__
      /#()##\\                              _//##()#\
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               \____/   / \   <___||  \__/
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with a lot of help from
    Butterfly by <Meindert de Jong>
    Dragons by *KAERYN*
    Paul-Joseph "Dragon" de Werk <merlyn@calweb.com>
    Dragorn <Dragorn@bitsy.hollyfeld.org>
    Alan aka Omur Bagci & Cyraya aka Angi Pendergrass

The Iconocaves Webcenter

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The River Alph

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              adapted from ascii from                

               Joan Stark's Ascii Art               

{Index} Ascii Avatars Backgrounds Gizmos 20x20 Icons Slides Maps WebSets

Dated: 16 Dec 1997
Updated: 23 January 2007
© information : use any browser.
adapted by afactor