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       e$P   $%                       d$P .'  F    '$$'d$  .e$'             
      $$F                           .$$'  F  J       '$$z$$$'               
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   .$$F   d$  4  d$ d$ z$' J$%    4$$'   $.d'       $$  .'                  
   $$P   $$ '.$z$$  ^ z$' .$P    .$$F              $$' .'                   
  $$$   d$F  J $$F   z$$  $$ .   $$$   ze     .c  J$F z  .e.ze              
 4$$F   $$  4' $$   z$$  $$'.'  d$$  d$' $  z$' $ $$ @  $$'.$F              
 $$$   4$$.d' 4$$ .$3$$.$$$e%   $$P J$P  P d$*  %$$$'  $$  $$               
 $$$    $$*    $$$' ^$$''$$    4$$% $$' . d$' '$'$$   $$  $$                
 $$$                           $$$  '   P4$P  z 4$F  $$' J$% %              
 '$$c          .e$$$$$$$$e     $$$F    $ $$  z' $$  $$$ 4$$ P               
  '$$b.   .e$*'     '$$$$$$$   '$$$c.dP  $$$$'  $$$'$$$$$$$P                
    '*$$$*'           '          *$$*'   '$*    '$' ^$* '$'   Gilo94
You can...
* Put the empty bottle in the crate & look around the kitchen.
* Look for a coke on the web.

Dated: 16 August 1996
Updated: 23 January 2007
Coke ascii : Source unknown
© information : Browser notes.
§ adapted by afactor